There is nothing "mystical" about hypnosis. It is a fascinating, natural process that occurs in our everyday lives. A narrow, focus of attention while excluding outside stimulus can create trance states.
A Hypnotist is much like that back seat driver that knows how to get you where you want to be in a town you may be unfamiliar with. You can of course go in any direction you choose as you are the driver but the hypnotist can guide you to where you want to be most efficiently.
A hypnotist utilizes these natural trance states to facilitate a direct communication to the subconscious mind in order to address deeply rooted problematic thinking errors that can cause maladaptive behaviors. "Weeding the gardens of the mind". These roadblocks in our own minds can prevent us from succeeding at any goals we wish to achieve in life.
Hypnosis is a process in achieving an extraordinary natural state of physical, mental and emotional relaxation. In this calm and relaxed state, the critical faculty is bypassed allowing one to accept positive suggestions in order to create new automatic behavior.
Hypnosis can challenge those thoughts that become maladaptive behavior and creates new choices in previous thought patterns. Sometimes we don't realize that we do have more choices in decision making. Selective, goal oriented thinking is elicited in order to make long lasting and often permanent change!
Our critical faculty is that part of the mind that decides whether we accept particular thinking errors as our truth ("I can't quit", "I'm not good enough" etc..). If accepted, the subconscious justifies and defends the new belief that results in behavior. Or it simply shuts out untruths. Our thoughts are the seeds of future behavior.
Compare the mind to an iceberg. The top portion above the water, roughly 10% is that of our conscious mind. This is where we make analytical decisions where our focus is outward conscious. Observation, learning and "will power" take place here. The bottom portion, that unseen 90% is that of the subconscious. This is where our beliefs, behaviors (fears,self-limiting talk etc) creative processes and all memories are. It is here where we adopt new decisions, new choices and challenge negative, programed thoughts while creating new behaviors through hypnosis.
Have you ever had a daydream? Of course. We all have. Ever watched a movie and became sad, or angry or excited? Have you ever read a good story and were so engrossed that you didn't notice when someone walked in the room? Have you ever been so lost in thought or really into your favorite music while driving, that you missed your turn? These are examples of hypnosis!
All hypnosis is self hypnosis. I believe that anyone that allows themselves to follow the process can experience hypnosis and create positive change.
There are some misconceptions regarding hypnosis such as it was thought to be a form of "mind control" in which the operator makes hypnotized people do things against their will. And of course, this is far from the truth.
You will do nothing in hypnosis that you would not ordinarily do. Our ethics cannot be compromised. People experiencing hypnosis remain alert and gain better control of their thoughts. It is not a magical experience but one of calmness and peace. It is simply you looking inward at thoughts and memories slowed down in a way that allows you to learn and make better decisions in previous thought patterns.
Hypnosis is a wonderful, natural way of well being that can be learned by anyone.
When YOU are ready to experience your own resource state through what is known as "hypnosis", contact me HERE!
Contact me for a free consultation!