Ready to quit smoking?
You know the consequences of continuing to smoke. What it does to your body and possibly to others around you in the form of second hand smoke. The costs to own the habit and perhaps the medical expenses down the road.
When we attach so much pleasure to this activity, we can easily find many reasons "excuses" to continue, seeing the results of the activity as something far off in the distant future. Interesting how we remember things in the past as "That seemed like it was just yesterday" as opposed to that future event being so far away, we won't worry too much about it now! These reasons are the lies we tell ourselves so that we can continue doing it no matter what.
And you must have a reason, one that you have a strong emotional feeling towards. Maybe it's about being sick of "sucking wind" when you walk a flight of stairs or maybe you've been told by your doctor it's time to quit. Whatever the reason, IF you are READY and WANT to quit, hypnosis can help!
I offer a 3 session program designed for those that are truly ready to quit and need that bit of "Inner strength" to make it happen. Together we will address your initial choice to start smoking at a subconscious level, the "ceremony" of it all and of course, those triggers that your mind uses to keep you smoking. You will discover for yourself that you have the choice to become a non smoker and that no matter how long you have smoked, there's never a better time than now to change your future by becoming a non smoker!
Ready to quit and start new?. Contact