A nine-year-old girl came home from elementary school visibly distraught, with feelings of insecurity and thoughts that many of her classmates wouldn't accept her as a friend. Unfortunately, she felt this way one too many times. As a parent, I could only try and comfort her with words of ration which, never really helped her own self-limiting beliefs. I searched for many ideas in articles on how to help, which for the most part, only reinforced what we as parents already do at a conscious level . It was then that I discovered hypnosis...


Hi, I'm John York, a Brigham City Certified Hypnotherapist and I have always been fascinated with the mind and consciousness and became very intrigued with what is known as "hypnosis". I quickly learned that I really had no idea of what it actually was much less the implications of how it can help normal everyday people with normal everyday problems.


I began my training in Farmington, Utah with a wonderful instructor, Dennis Parker and certified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist with the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners and was soon recognized as a Consulting Hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists.

John L York CHt

 During this time I was able to address some of my own issues, but most importantly, my youngest daughter was my immediate focus.  I can say that she does have those normal moments any child will but she has never returned from school absorbed in those self limiting beliefs as she did a couple years prior and is happier and much more confident in herself.


I believe that thoughts are the seeds of behavior. The focus on these thoughts with the language we use in our self talk creates and empowers our behavior, good or bad. It is here that we get caught up in that story of ourselves, that self image, a filtered world view which ultimately becomes us. We then use language such as "This is just how I am". This is far from the truth. Unless we were born into the world with a particular set of views, we learned it and if we learned it, I believe we can "unlearn" it.


My goal is to help people understand they have more control over themselves than they believe. That the mind is a wonderful computer in which "programs" are installed throughout life and "updates" are needed from time to time. I believe hypnosis is the tool to accomplish this as it is those behaviors we automatically do in spite of conscious awareness, that is of the subconscious mind. The mind body connection is a two way street in which the body affects the mind and the mind affects the body. Whether you want help in training your brain to be in the right mindset for success or you need help following through on your doctor's recommendation to quit smoking, lose weight or even learning to simply relax, I can help.

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