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Life can be full of stress. Our careers, family, friends as well as world events can create stressful situations in our daily routine and when it becomes chronic, it can lead to long lasting, negative effects on our mind and body. (Some stress can be the result of an earlier experience, whether known or unknown as an Initial Sensitizing Event or ISE, which can be addressed through regression techniques.) Cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, nervous system and reproductive systems are just a few areas of the body that can be affected.  Many behaviors such as over eating, smoking and drinking can become a serious health problem when we don't know how to deal with stress and turn to these in order to cope.  The best way to deal with stress is having tools/techniques to address it with and self hypnosis can be a powerful tool to do just that.


In this 3 session program you will learn and receive:

  • 3 full Hypnosis sessions
  • Regression and future pacing (if suitable)
  • Self Hypnosis and applying positive suggestions
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)
  • Anti anxiety techniques
  • Guided Imagery MP3


Gain control over your stress and feel better knowing you can create change for yourself. Call today and discover how stress management can improve your life.








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